Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Updates - No.20 & 21 - 06.11.11

Originally sent to friends and family only as an email in Nov 2011
Hi Guys, me again!

Test running the low level return loop with a Bullied Pacific - nice!
Last time I told you all how I had made a bridging piece of trackbed so I could finish the return loop section and it's adjoining board.  Well today I dropped the bridging section into place and secured all 3 sections together with complete success.  They are now firmly fixed into position in the corner of the layout and the return loop and storage yard approach sections are now completed.  I finished the wiring and temporarily hooked up my trusty Gaugemaster controller and test ran a few trains and everything ran perfectly with an eclectic mix of traction from a Class 03 shunter to a Bullied West Country running smoothly over all of the track with no hesitation or issues.....what a result....Hellfire!

Test running the low level return loop with a Bullied Pacific - nice!
Test running the low level return loop with a Bullied Pacific - nice!
Test running the low level return loop with a Bullied Pacific - nice!
First manual point actuator fitted - works perfectly
Then I turned my attention to the control of the first set of points.  I received the stiffer actuator wire in the post earlier this week and I've now fitted it together with the flexible tube sections and the control knob on the fascia.  The point blades are moved with a satisfying clunk and I have soldered the electrical connections for the internal switch so power is fed to the frog and power routing is not solely reliant on the switch blades.  It took a while to figure it all out and get the hang of it all but the next set of points will now be much easier to deal with.  Take a look at the shots and you'll see the whole return loop area now installed and the fascia knob for the points fitted flush so it cannot be snagged when walking past.  I'm really happy with this area and progress to date.

The next step is to start construction of the lower level storage roads and the gradients to and from the Docks area.  I had another brainwave (I can hear you all doing a collective groan....lol) and will now be looking to see if I can fit a series of dead end storage sidings over the return loop area which will be  concealed by "Shinbash Lane".  This will be complicated but will allow another 5 rakes of 8 coaches to be stored without cluttering the through storage roads.  This idea requires another gradient from the helix end of the storage sidings.  I think it should work but I need to make some more measurements and check the clearances.  I know I seem to be spending an enormous amount of time on areas which won't actually be easily seen when the layout is finished, but this is a layout for life and when it is actually finished it'll be a very busy line.  I need to make sure I make maximum use of storage space to stack trains ready to run on the route.  Work done now before another 3 levels are added above will pay dividends later.

To allow me to start planning the storage roads I have cut the first 2 of the 5 storage yard baseboard sections and fitted them to full width risers ready for track laying.  You can see from the photos I have started loosely laying out points and flexitrack to double check my sketched plans are actually workable.  Everything looks go so far so next week I will probably start to lay foam roadbed and begin marking out the gradients and point positions for the loops.  This is an easily accessed and removed straight section of the layout so should be far more straightforward than the return loops area (famous last words).  To keep my enthusiasm up, I've decided I want to finish the low level storage yard and all associated gradients before the end of the year.  This will mean completion of year one of the "Corkscrew Lines" project will have seen all baseboards constructed and the low level storage yard and return loop installed.  Considering the size of the project I'll be happy if I achieve this.  Then next year it's up and up via the helix!....Quite literally mate!

Corky installs the risers which support the yard track base boards
Yard track base sections fitted
Yard track base sections fitted
Yard track base sections fitted and track loosely laid in place
Anyway, enjoy the shots and it will hopefully all make sense.  I thought the Bullied West Country "Blandford Forum" looked particularly good trundling past "Shinbash Lane" box and this is hopefully a good indication of SR transition delights to come......Oh my Lords!

Next weekend is the Spalding model railway show at the Springfield Centre and it is normally a fantastic event.  I'll be going on the Saturday and hopefully meeting up with Rooster & Wibble (sounds like a very strange firm of solicitors doesn't it?) so let me know if you're interested in attending and we'll have a mini Corkette convention.  The advertised line up of layouts looks outstanding this year.....Dreadful!

European Nedding Highlight of the Week
We are still in Zurich but this week we are heading up the big hill to the Dolder Hotel and the Sports Complex which sits high above Lake Zurich.  To get there we catch a tram from the HB station to the tiny station for the "Dolderbahn" rack railway.  This is an amazing line with sets of points which swing and isolate the passing loops (see the photos) and the most wonderful pair of antique trains in the classic Swiss red colour scheme.  The interiors are fitted out with highly varnished hardwoods and the views are fantastic.  Anyway, hope you enjoy the shots, it was a fantastic way to spend an hour or two and apart from a couple of locals, we were the only travellers on the line.

The Dolderbahn Rack Railway in Zurich
The Dolderbahn Rack Railway in Zurich
The Dolderbahn Rack Railway in Zurich
The Dolderbahn Rack Railway in Zurich
The Dolderbahn Rack Railway in Zurich
The Dolderbahn Rack Railway in Zurich
The Dolderbahn Rack Railway in Zurich

In the next thrilling instalment...

Next time I'll probably show you some shots Polybahn rack railway and a few of the fascinating Zurich trams.......oh you lucky lucky people!  I attended the Severn Valley Railway Diesel gala in October and sampled some particularly fine heritage diesel traction including hard working Westerns, Warships and the magnificent Class 50s.  I may need to include shots over a couple of updates so we'll start next time...Hellfire eh?

Well my little comrades, so endeth my latest insomnia cure!  Till next time......may the Maybachs, English Electrics and Sulzers keep singing!


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