The Corkettes - Hall of Shame

All of the friends and family who have been involved in the project from the beginning are affectionately known as the Corkettes.  If you get your mug shot in here then you can consider yourself Corkscrew-Lines royalty!  Remember - some of these people lead normal lives - but most are just plain bonkers! - Hellfire!

The Wibbler!
Lesser Spotted Herbert feeds
It's the Colemeister!
Posh Colin
Ludo & Becky - the next generation of Corkettes
Corky and Wibble
Beside the seaside...beside the sea!

Corkettes Garden Party 2014

Special-Ops' Wibble reporting for Crank duties

Lady Dowsby and the Fat Controller

"Oop North" James

Steaming away!

Travelling to Warley in 2013 - The "Lesser-Spotted Herbert"

Surely a candidate for a caption competition!

Well if I'm not's Gentleman-Jack!

CLAG 2014 - The Final Running Session

Oh Dear!
Oh Dear again!
Ben & "Oop North" James
Camo' the Signal Box cat!
"Oop North" James & Corky
Corky and Gaz
Wibble with Corky
You've got how many model brake vans???!!!???
Lord Dowsby
Rooster's pussy!
Corky's cuppa!
Three Wise Monkeys!

Colonel Raspberry & Michael Zimbala
The Rooster
Sarah, Becky & Christina
Corky & Jeff
Christina, Sarah, Becky, Jack & Corky!
Mrs Corky & Gibsy-Wibsy!
The Wylde Child

Wibble! Oh My Lords!

World record speed Tea drinking attempt
Napier-Boy & The Rooster
Mark & Corky
Corky and Lord Dowsby - nice shirts....Don't ask!

The Rooster.....what can you say?
Gazzer with something he knocked up earlier
Tammy in typical pose!
Corkette's Convention!
Your good health Sir! - Dreadful!
Can I help with anything?
Nick & Corky - Thirsty work this!
Corky, Sarah & Laila
Martyn & Corky
Not your average shunting plank!
Corky, Maryann & Sarah
A collection of mugs!
Doesn't say much does he?
Mark, Jon & Martyn playing with a Teddy!