Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Update - No.15 - 31.07.11

Originally sent via email to friends and family only in July 2011

Hi Guys, only me.

Toasting completion of the baseboards - Maryann & Sarah
Well I managed to do it.....and only just in time.  All of the baseboard sections and associated frames have now been assembled and fitted and the final section was slid into place on Thursday last week, just inside my July deadline.  The completion of the woodwork coincided with a visit to Jones-Towers of Sarah's sister, Maryann.  It felt fitting to raise a glass (not a mug of tea for once) and celebrate the conclusion of the longest and least exciting phase of the layout's construction.  An appropriate photo is included showing the lovely Sarah and Maryann.  This is the 2nd update on the trot where I have included some eye candy glamour with some lovely ladies to try and create some interest amongst you all!  Unfortunately it'll probably revert to business as usual from next time with just photos of balding middle aged men.....shame!

Final baseboards and frames being constructed
Final baseboards and frames being constructed
Final baseboards and frames being constructed
A well earned cuppa!
Peninsula end frame and radiator
Final baseboards and frames in situ

I have included some general shots showing the current state of the Corkscrew Lines.  As a very rough calculation the baseboard phase has produced the following approximate areas of open grid bench-work ready for track laying;

Level 1 - Low level storage/return loop        110 sq ft 

Level 1 - Scenic - Docks/Terminus               50 sq ft
Level 2 - Scenic Mainlines                     160 sq ft
Level 3 - Scenic Mainlines                     115 sq ft
Level 4 - High level storage/return loop       115 sq ft
Helix Base (Inner & Outer)                      45 sq ft 

I have yet to calculate what I think the total mainline run will be for a train from the low level storage sidings to the return loop on the top level but it has got to be approaching 500ft when you include the multiple loops of the helix required en-route.  The baseboards have been produced in one large period of construction.  Everything else from this point on can be done in smaller bite size chunks and I can choose between track laying and scenics as the mood takes me.  The next logical phase will be the commencement of track laying for the first climb of the inner helix from storage level 1 to scenic level 2 and then the outer helix section as it descends on level 1 to the docks and maritime terminal area.  Then the low level storage tracks and return loop can be completed.  

You'll forgive me if I take a short break from the layout for a while to recharge my batteries ready for track laying duties.  I need to finalise the track designs and probably produce some scale plans for the levels.  Anything but woodwork for a while!  I will however make another rash commitment, to have the first sections of track laid and the first trains moving under their own power before the end of August....there, I've said it!

New Arrivals on the Corkscrew

I have purchased some more light fittings and electrical gubbins ready for the commencement of the track work and to allow me to make sure each individual board can be removed from the layout simply by unplugging it. Nothing very exciting and as usual I hunted for the best prices I could find on-line. 

Electrical Gubbins!
In the next thrilling instalment...

Next time I have no idea what I'll have to share with you because I don't actually know precisely what I'm going to do next.  One thing I'm certain of - it'll be just as exciting as all the previous updates......apologies in advance!

Until next time my friends, "may your plywood be cut true and your kettles boil quickly" such is the song of the Corkmeister!  I had better start taking the tablets again....."Nurse.....please lead me to the darkened room again!"


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